Saturday, September 25, 2010

StOmP RoCkeT

My kids have always been "binkie babies", they love them!  Logan has been no exception to the binkie baby rule.  Tuesday I'd had enough, what was supposed to be "just for sleeping" kept turning into an all day event.  All day long I kept asking him to put his binkie away, after about the 10th time of asking him I got the scissors out and cut a little piece off the tip.  A little bit later he came up and said, "Mom, my binkies broken!  Can you fix it?" with the biggest, saddest, tear filled puppy dog eyes ever!  My heart broke and I had to tell him that he'd been using it too long and it was broken now.
That night I was at the church with the Y Dubs so BR was home to put the kids to bed. I came home and was worried about how bedtime had gone, to my surprise it had gone well since Logan hadn't had a nap and fell asleep quickly.
All was well until he woke up at his usual "10pm I want my binkie back in my mouth" time...he was sad, wanting his old friend!  He decided he wanted to cry and put up a fuss until 1:30 am!  It was a long night.
The next night I told Logan if he'd go to bed without crying and stay asleep and in his bed ALL night long I'd get him a RoCkeT.  He was all for it and didn't cry, he slept all night long too!
So long binkies!