Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I Wish

Today has been good, well except the treadmill part, I wasn't into running this morning.  
I got to go to the school for a volunteer lunch with the girls' classes.  There was good food and it was fun to chat with other moms and teachers.
On the way out to the car from school Logan saw a big dandelion with seeds, ready for wishing.  He was so excited and said, "Oh! I'm gonna make a wish!"
He crouched down as far as he could and quietly said, "I wish I was a race car!"
He got right up and with a big grin ran to the van to meet me and gave me a big hug.
This was my favorite part of the day.  Favorite.
(Photo: Logan isn't acting, he's RE-enacting what took place at the school.)